Friday, 22 June 2007

Pseudo Food.

Today I walked past a restaurant.

It said:


Okay, not that I'm trying to be rude here, but seriously. Halal Thai cuisine?

I don't eat Thai food all that often, but I DO know that Thai cuisine is hardly ever Halal!

How can you deem Thai food Halal if you don't have the important ingredient of, I'm sorry but pardon me saying this, pork?

I honestly don't understand how a restaurant ends up having their main selling point to be Thai cuisine, but without pork. That's just strange. It's just not Thai food anymore!!! Try going to Thailand, ask for Halal food, they'll say "no hab" for sure.

Makes us all wonder if they're going to open new outlets like "Halal Irish Food", or "Halal Jamaican Food". I don't see how that is a selling point. If the food's Halal, there'll be a sign somewhere, if not, then run along somewhere else that's Halal then!

I wonder if the owner is local, and some part of me is hoping he/she isn't... because it's just rather embarrassing if you ask me. Halal food should be Halal food. Not Halal (add nationality here) food. I don't think I'm gonna be trying out their food anytime soon.

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